Fine art photography of nature & the environment


Whales or otherwise known as “cetaceans” are an amazing animal to see in our vast oceans. Once more widespread and distributed diversely throughout the seas, now their populations have dwindled to just a few in some extreme cases (Right Whale) and to a very limited population with other species (Humpback).  But in all cases, the whale populations have significantly declined over the last  two century’s. These marine mammals need our attention as globally the seas are polluted, over fished, ship collision occurrences  and in some cases they are still hunted for “science”. Humpback whales are from the baleen suborder and I have encountered quite a few of these spectacular whales. Most of the larger whales come from this category  which include the largest animal found on this Earth – the Blue Whale which can grow to 90 feet in length. Tooth whales are the other suborder which include Orca, Pilot, Sperm whales, Dolphins and Porpoises. The mythical legend of  ‘Moby Dick’ was indeed a great story but does not paint the whales the way they should be which is to be respected. Whales exhibit human characteristics in that they frolic, use team behavior to hunt schools of fish, have family units, extensive communication through song and nurture their young. Amazing stories are told from people that have experienced close encounters with whales in the wild in that the common thread was that the whales ‘soul’ was strong. Experience them for yourselves.

Humpback Whale

Humpbacks with Pelagic Gulls

Humpback Whale

Humpback with Gull

Humpback Whale

Humpback whale

Right Whale

Humpback Whale

Two Humpback Whales

Humpback Whale

Humpback Whales

Humpback Whale

Humpback Whale

Humpback Whale

Humpback Whale

Humpback Whale

2 Humpback Whales

2 Humpback Whales

2 Humpback Whales

2 Humpback Whales

2 Humpback Whales

Humpback WhaleÂ

Humpback Whale

Humpback Whale

Humpback Whale

Humpback Whale

Humpback Whale

Humpback Whale

Humpback Whale

Humpback Whale

Atlantic White Sided Dolphin

Humpback Whales and Seagulls

Humpback Whale

Finback Whale

Humpback Whale

Humpback Whale

Humpback Whale

Sand Lance

Humpback Whale

Humpback Whale

Humpback Whale

Humpback Whale

Humpback Whale

Mariners Sunset

Humpback Whale

Atlantic White Sided Dolphin

Humpback Whale

Humpback Whale

Humpback Whale

Humpbacks with Seagulls

Humpback Whale

Humpback Whale

Humpback Whale

Humpback Whale

Humpback Whale

Humpback Whale

Humpback Whale with Seagulls

Humpback Whale

Humpback Whale

Humpback Whale

Humpback Whales and Seagulls

Humpback Whale

Humpback Whale

Humpback Whales and Seagulls

Humpback Whale and Seagulls

Humpback Whale

Humpback Whale

Humpback Whales with pelagic Sea Gulls

Humpback Whale

3 Humpback Whales

Humpback Whale

Humpback Whale

Humpback Whale

Humpback Whales and pelagic Sea Gulls

Humpback Whale

Atlantic White Sided Dolphin

Humpback Whale

Humpback Whale

Humpback Whale

Humpback Whale(s)

Finback Whale

Humpback Whale

Two Atlantic White Sided Dolphins

Finback Whale

Atlantic White Sided Dolphin

Basking Shark


Harbor Seal


Atlantic White Sided Dolphin

Humpback Whale

Atlantic White Sided Dolphin

Atlantic White Sided Dolphin

Humpback Whale

Humpback Whale and Sea Gulls

Humpback Whale with a Sea Gull and Tern

Atlantic White Sided Dolphin

Humpback Whale with Sea Gulls

Humpback Whale

Humpback Whale

Humpback Whale

Humpback Whale

Humpback Whale

Humpback Whale

Humpback Whale

Humpback Whale

Humpback Whale

Humpback Whale

Humpback Whale

3 Right Whales

Right Whale

Humpback Whale

Finback Whale

Right Whale

Atlantic White Sided Dolphin

Humpback Whale

Humpback Whale

Humpback WhaleÂ

Humpback Whale

Humpback Whale

Humpback Whale

Humpback Whale

Humpback Whale

Humpback Whale

Humpback Whale

Humpback Whales